Position Title
Distinguished Professor Emerita of Chinese Literature
Affiliated Faculty of Comparative Literature, Performance Studies Graduate Group, Cultural Studies Graduate Group, and CATS (Cinematic and Technological Studies)
Position Title
Distinguished Professor Emerita of Chinese Literature
Affiliated Faculty of Comparative Literature, Performance Studies Graduate Group, Cultural Studies Graduate Group, and CATS (Cinematic and Technological Studies)
- Ph.D., Comparative Literature, Indiana University
- M.A., English Literature, Brigham Young University
- B.A., English (equivalent), Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages
- Modern Chinese literature
- Drama
- Theater
- Women's literature
- Comparative literature
- Literary theory
- Cultural studies
- Performance studies
- CHN 10: Modern Chinese Literature in English
- CHN 101: Chinese Film
- CHN 102: Chinese American Literature
- CHN 103: Modern Chinese Drama in English
- CHN 104: Modern Chinese Fiction in English
- CHN 109H: Popular Culture
- Staging Chinese Revolution: Theater, Film and the Afterlives of Propaganda. Columbia University Press, 2016.
- Acting the "Right" Part: Political Theater and Popular Drama in Contemporary China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2002.
- Occidentalism: A Theory of Counter-discourse in Post-Mao China. Oxford University Press, 1995.
- Abstracts (in English) or (in
- Description and Review
- Second, revised, and expanded edition, forward by Jinhua Dai. Rowman and Littlefield, 2002. Description.
- A translation in Korean language translated by Jin-Bae Chung. Seoul, Korea (South): Kang Publish Company, 1999.
- A Chinese translation. Nanjing, China: Nanjing University Press, forthcoming.
- Abstracts (in English) or (in
- Rethinking Chinese Socialist Theaters of Reform: Performance Practice and Debate in the Mao Era. Eds., Xiaomei Chen, Tarryn Li-Min Chun, and Steven Siyuan Liu. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2021.
- Hong Shen and the Modern Mediasphere in Republican-Era China. A Special Issue for the journal,
Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. Vol. 27, no. 2. Eds., Steven Siyuan Liu and Xiaomei Chen. Columbus: Ohio State University, 2015. - Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama with a Critical Introduction.
Abridged Edition, New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.
- Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama with a Critical Introduction. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010. (Content/Reviews)
- Reading the Right Text: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Drama with a
Critical Introduction. Ed., Xiaomei Chen, University of Hawaii Press, 2003. ("A Critical Introduction")
- East of West: Cross-cultural Performance and the Staging of Difference. Eds., Claire Sponsler and Xiaomei Chen. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001.
- Visual Culture and Memory in Modern China. A Special Issue
on Visual Culture in Twentieth-century China for the journal, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. Eds., Julia F. Andrews and Xiaomei Chen. Columbus: Ohio State University, 2001.
- Jane Eyre, a Chinese translation with an introduction. Beijing: Beijing Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press, 1979.
"New Studies in Socialist Performance: A Review Essay” (On Staging Revolution: Artistry and Aesthetics in Model Beijing Opera during the Cultural Revolution, by Xing Fan, and Revolutionary Bodies: Chinese Dance and the Socialist Legacy, by Emily Wilcox). Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (MCLC), June 2020. https://u.osu.edu/mclc/book-reviews/xiaomei-chen/
- “The East Is Red, or Is It?--1964: The ‘Red Pageant’ and China’s First Atomic Bomb.” A New Literary History of Modern China, eds, David Wang and others. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (2017)
- “Singing ‘The Internationale’: From the ‘Red Silk Road’ to the Red Classics.” Oxford Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature, eds., Carlos Rojas and Andrea Bachner. New York: Oxford University Press. (2016)
- "Performing the 'Red Classics': From The East is Red to The Road to Revival." Red Legend in China, eds. Jie Li and Enhau Zhang. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 151-183, 2016.
- “Breaking out of the ‘Main Melody’”: Meng Bing and his “Monumental Theatre.” Staging China: New Theatres in the Twentieth-First Century, ed., Ruru Li. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 79-96, 2016.
- "Modern Chinese Theater Study and its Century-Long History." Blackwell History of Modern Chinese Literature, ed. Yingjin Zhang. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 167-180, 2015.
- "Mapping a 'New' Dramatic Canon: Rewriting the Legacy of Hong Shen," Modern China and the West: Translation and Cultural Mediation, eds. Peng Hsiao-yen and Isabelle Rabur. Leiden: Brill. 224-245, 2014.
- "A Critical Introduction." Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama. Abridged Edition. New York: Columbia University Press. 1-30, 2014.
- “The Cinematic Deng Xiaoping: Scripting a Leader or a ‘Traitor’?” China's iGeneration: Cinema and Moving Image Culture for the Twenty-First Century, eds. Matthew D. Johnson, Keith B. Wagner and others. London: Bloomsbury. 283-198, 2014.
- “Yanyi hongse jingdian: sanda geming yinyue wudao shishi jiqi heping huigui” 演绎“红色经典”: 三大革命音乐舞蹈史诗及其和平回归 (Performing the Red Classics: Three Revolutionary Music and Dance Epics and their Peaceful Restoration), trans., Xuefeng Feng. Huanren wenxue 《华文文学》(Overseas Chinese Literature) 1 (2014): 5-27.
- “Zhongguo de huixin—yuedu haiwai huaren de gushi” 中国的回信-阅读海外华人作家的故事 (China Writes Back—Reading Stories of the Chinese Diaspora), trans., Xuefeng Feng. Huanren wenxue《华文文学》(Overseas Chinese literature) 2 (2013): 69-88.
- "The Road to Revival: A 'Red' Classic or a 'Black' Revisionist Epic in Praise of a Postsocialist China," China and New Left Visions: Political and Cultural Interventions, eds. Ban Wang and Lu Jie. Lanham: Lexington Books, 183-203, 2012.
- “Chen Duxiu yingshi wushi nian” 陈独秀影视五十年 (Fifty years of representing Chen Duxiu in films and television drama series), trans., Xuefeng Feng. Chen Xiaomei zhuanji (Featuring Xiaomei Chen) 陈小眉专辑, Huanren wenxue 《华文文学》(Overseas Chinese literature) 1 (2012): 25-33.
- “Bei wudu de xifang zhuyi—lun ‘menglong shi yundong’” 被误读的西方现代主义——论朦胧诗运动 (Misunderstanding Western modernism—on Menglong movement), trans., Xuefeng Feng. Chen Xiaomei zhuanji (Featuring Xiaomei Chen) 陈小眉专辑, Huanren wenxue 《华文文学》 (Overseas Chinese literature) 1 (2012): 34-54.
- "Worker-Peasant-Soldier Literature," Words and Their Stories: Essays on the Language of the Chinese Revolution, ed. Ban Wang. Leiden: Brill, 65-83, 2011.
- “Xunzhao chuantong: xinshiqi qianqi xiju zhong de xingshi yu neirong” 寻找传统:新时期前期戏剧中的形式与内容 (A stage in search of a tradition: the dynamics of form and content in post-Maoist theater). trans., Liu Jia, Yishu pinglun 《艺术评论》(Art Criticism) 6 (2011): 34-38.
- "A Critical Introduction," in Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama with a Critical Introduction, ed., Xiaomei Chen. New York: Columbia University Press, 1-55, 2010.
- "Fifty Years of Staging A Founding Father: Political Theater, Dramatic History and the Question of Representation," in Representing the Past: Essays on the Historiography of Performance, eds., Thomas E. Postlewait and Charlotte Canning. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 309-333, 2010.
- "Qizi de chuanshuo--hou shehui zhuyi shiqi "hongse jingdian" dianying de wenxue gaibian jiqi yiyi 妻子的传说--后社会主义时期“红色经典”电影的文学改编及其意 义 (The tales of the wife--literary adaptations of the "red classical" films and their postsocialist reinscriptions), trans., Qingjing Shi, in Xingbie yu Zhongguo Dianying 性别与中国电影 (Gender and Chinese cinema), ed., Chengzhou He. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 36-53, 2010.
- "Six Taiping Rebellion Tragedies: Heroes, Traitors, and the Discourse of the Chinese Revolution," in Changing the Subject: Marvin Carlson and Theatre Studies, 1959- 2009, ed., Joseph Roach. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 278-300, 2009.
- "Tian Han and the Nanguo Phenomenon: Networking the Personal, Communal, and the Culture," Literary Societies in Republican China, eds., Kirk A Denton and Michel Hockx. Lexington Books, 241-278, 2008.
- "Reflecting on the Legacy of Tian Han: "Proletarian Modernism" and its Traditional Roots." Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 18: 1 (spring, 2006), 155-215.
- "Red Maple again - Methodology and Critical Perspectives of Teaching "China" in the American Universities," Wang Ban and Zhong Xueping, eds, Teaching China in America, Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 1-18, 2006. (又是紅楓時節--寫在旅美教學十八年之後,王斑,鐘雪萍編,美國大學裡的中國)
- "Remembering War and Revolution on the Maoist Stage," Cold War Literature: Writing the Global Conflict, ed., Andrew Hammond. New York: Routledge, 2006, 131-145.
- “Jugando con tierra: obras sobre geologos y la memoria de la Revolucion Cultural y la epoca moaista.” (‘Playing in the earth’: theater of geologists and the memory of the Cultural Revolution and the Maoist period), tran., Regina Llamas. Assaig De Teatre--Teatre A La Xina Contemporania. 48-49 (2006): 99-122.
- "'Playing in the Dirt: Plays about Geologists and the Memories of the Cultural Revolution and the Maoist Era," China Review: A Special Issue on the Memory of the Cultural Revolution, edited by Guobin Yang and Yue-ming Bao, 65-95, 2005.
- "A Critical Introduction," Reading the Right Text: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Drama. Ed., Xiaomei Chen, University of Hawaii Press, 2003, 1-63
- "China Writes Back: Reading Stories of the Chinese Diaspora," a new chapter in the second edition of Occidentalizm, Rowman and Littlefield, 2002, 139-176
- "The Performing of Nation: Modern Spoken Drama." The Columbia Companion to Modern East Asian Literature, China volume. Ed., Kirk Denton. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002, 1-12.
- "Modern Stage in Search of a Tradition: The Dynamics of Form and Content in 1990s Chinese Theater." Asian Theater Journal 18:2 (2001): 200-221.
- "Modern Chinese Spoken Drama," The Columbia History of Chinese Literature, ed., Victor H. Mair. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001, 848-877.
- "From the Lighthouse: Growing up among Ordinary Stars in the Maoist China," Some of Us, eds., Zhong Xueping, Wang Zhen, and Bai Di. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2001, 53-76.
- "The Making of A Revolutionary Stage: Chinese Model Theater and Western Influences," East of West Difference, eds., Claire Sponsler and Xiaomei Chen. New York: Palgrave, 2001, 125-140.
- "Wild Man Between Two Cultures," in Soul of Chaos: Critical Perspectives on Gao Xingjian, ed., Kwok-kan Tam. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001, 89-110.
- "Introduction" to Occidentalism. Reprinted in Postcolonialism: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, ed. Diana Bryden. London and New York: Routledge, 2000, vol. III, 934-961.
- "Can Tiananmen Theater Go Global? A Case of Cultural Studies from a None-Western Perspective." Poetrica (A special issue on Third World cultural Studies), eds., Kawamoto Koji and Sumie Jones. 52 (1999): 19-33.
- "Growing up with Posters in the Maoist Era," in Picturing Power in the People's Republic: Posters of the Cultural Revolution, eds., Harriet Evans and Stephanie Donald. Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield Publisher, 1999, 101-122.
- "Audience, Applause, and Counter-Theater: Border-Crossing in
Social Problem Plays
in Post-Mao China." New Literary History 29:1 (Winter,1998): 101-120. - "Time, Money, and Work: The Flow of Transnational Cultural Capital, in the Making of Neo-American Nationalism in Chinese American Women Writers' Autobiographies." Journal of American Studies (Seoul: Korea) 29:2 (Winter, 1997): 414-421.
- "Feminism, Countervoices, and the Utterance of Women as Dramatic Other in Post-Mao Theater." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 24:4 (1997): 819-828.
- "A Stage of Their Own: the Problematics of Women's Theater in Post-Maoist China." The Journal of Asian Studies 56:1 (Feb. 1997): 3-25.
- "Women as Dramatic Other in the Body Politics of Post-Mao Theater," China's Perception of Peace, War, and the World, eds., Gerd Kaminski, Barbara Kreissl, and Constantine Tung. Wien: Ludwig Bolzmann Institut fur China, 1997, 160-67.
- "Reading Mother's Tale: Reconstructing Women's Space in Amy Tan and Zhang Jie." Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, and Reviews 16 (1994): 111-32.
- "Rediscovering Ezra Pound: A Post-Postcolonial
of a Western Legacy." Paideuma: A Journal Devoted to Ezra Pound Scholarship 23: 2, 3 (1994): 81-106. - "The Occidentalist Theater in Post-Mao China: Shakespeare, Ibsen, and Brecht as Counter Others." Stanford Literature Review 10:1, 2 (1993): 143-65.
- "Occidentalism as a Counter-Discourse: He Shang in Post-Mao China." Critical Inquiry 18:4 (Summer, 1992): 686-712.
- "The Poetics of 'Misunderstanding': An Ahistorical Model of Cross-cultural Literary History." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 19:4 (1992): 485-506.
- "A Wildman Between Two Cultures: Some Paradigmatic Remarks on 'Influence Studies." Comparative Literature Studies 29: 4 (1992): 397-417.
- "Fathers and Daughters in Early Modern Chinese Drama: On the Problematics of Feminist Discourse in Cross-Cultural Perspective." The Challenge of Cross-Cultural Perspectives. eds., Marilyn R. Waldman, Artemis Leontis, and Muge Galin. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 205-22, 1992.
- "Misunderstanding Western Modernism: The Menglong Movement in Post-Maoist China." Representations 35 (Summer, 1991): 143-63.
- "Thomas McFarland and the Anxiety of Influence: Tradition and the Individual Talent Once Again." Nineteenth-Century Contexts 11:2 (1987): 193-205.
- "Derrida's Pharmacy: Towards A Foucauldian Reading of 'La Pharmacie de Platon.'" Works and Days: Essays in the Socio-Historical Dimensions of Literature and the Arts, 4:2 (Fall, 1986): 33-50.
- "Genre, Convention, and Society: A Reception Study of the Chinese Reportage." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 34 (1985): 85-105.